Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Day 29 – Village People

Even though I've been back at work for a while, I'm still not fully fit and need a lot of sleep. Today was the first day since I came back to London that I've managed to make it into the office before 9am. Unfortunately, I was working at a different office today, so my normal workmates couldn't appreciate my punctuality.

Being on recruitment duties today, I had to do a lot of talking. I managed this pretty well.

I was meant to be going for pizza tonight, where I had hoped to put into practice my new-found skills of eating. But it was over-subscribed, so I met some of my political friends at an event in SW1.

It was nice to show off my new face to my mates from the Westminster Villlage, but I didn't appreciate not being able to drink the wine that was on offer.

Today's menu

... was a disaster.

I had banana for breakfast, which was unproblematic.

I didn't take a photo of lunch as it would have looked weird to the students at the recruitment event. I had salmon sandwiches, which were also unproblematic. I then had a yoghurt. Somehow, I managed to throw the empty yoghurt pot at a student. Even more remarkable was that the pot then splattered the remnants of the yoghurt not on the student, but on me. Embarrassing.

For tea, I had burger and chips at a pub.

I was enjoying the burger until I choked on it. Someone had to hit me repeatedly between the my sholder blades in an attempt to dislodge the offending meat. Alas, the only thing that existed my oesophagus was the lemonade with which I had tried to wash down the piece of burger. I ended my coughing the patty up in the toilet.

At uni, I was known for my tendency to chunder after very little alcohol. Given I was on the wagon tonight, I have hit a new low.

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