Friday, 25 March 2016

Day 18 – Good Friday

Today was Good Friday, I've headed back to the mother's for Easter to see the family.

I said that yesterday I ate pizza properly for the first time. Whenever people used to express scepticism about my jaw problems, the easiest way to demonstrate my inability to bite was to attempt to bite paper.

I would not have been able to hold this train ticket between my teeth prior to surgery.

The eldest brother and niece were visiting the mother when I arrived. He was as amazed at my recovery as everyone else has been. But the hilarious thing was, he could not recognise me in a photo taken last month.

He has had two nose jobs, so is as expert in nostrils and bridges as I am in mandibles and maxillae.

He noticed some improvements to my nose. The surgeon had told me that there was a risk that my nostrils would widen as the upper jaw was reshaped. What has actually happened is that the tip of my nose is less bulbous than it was.

When my top jaw was shorter, the tip of the nose would have been pulled back slightly. Now imagine it being moved forward. That would cause the tip of the nose to point upwards. In a normal person, that would make it a bit snub. For someone with a bulbous nose, this slight difference is sufficient to balance things out.

Today's menu

Banana for breakfast.

Sausage sarnies for lunch, with jelly and cream dessert.

Cheese and potato pie with salmon and peas for tea.

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